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Maduramicin is a monovalent monoglycoside polyether ionophore that is a fermentation product of Actinomadurayumaense.

Maduramicin has broad spectrum of activity against many species of coccidia such as; E.brunetti, E.acervulina, E.maxima, E.tenella, E.necatrix and E.mivati .

Maduramicin act against extracellular sporozoites and merozoites by the formation of lipophilic complexes with alkali metal cations and transport these cations across biological membranes, because coccidia have no osmoregulatory organelles, this change in internal osmotic conditions damage the parasites.

Maduramicin doesn’t adversely affect egg production or egg quality.

Maduramicin is well tolerated when fed with tiamulin.


Each one kilo gram contains:

Maduramicin ammonium 10 gm   (Eq. to Maduramicin base 9.8176 gm)

Target species:

Broiler chickens.


For use only in broiler chickens for prevention and control of coccidiosis caused by E.brunetti, E.acervulina, E.maxima, E.tenella, E.necatrix and E.mivati.

Dosage & Route of administration:

Route of administration: orally via feed.

For whole product:

500 gm Madurapharma / ton of finished feed.

Warning& Precaution:

Feed containing Madurapharma should be the only ration fed to broiler chicken to avoid the dilution of the active ingredient.

Contra – Indication:

For broiler chicken only and should not be fed to other types of chicken.

Side Effects:

Non in the recommended dose

When feed at high dose at >6 PPM an adverse effect on feathering and growth may occur.

Withdrawal time:

Meat: 5 days.

Egg: nil


Stored at temperature not exceed 30 C˚.