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Each one gram contains:………………………..500 mg streptomycin (as sulphate).

Eq. to 626.56 mg streptomycin sulphate.

Target species:



Treatment of gastrointestinal tract infections caused by some of the microorganisms mentioned above.

Dosage & Route of administration:

Route of administration: orally via drinking water.

For whole product:

40mg of Royalstreptocin / kg of body weight every 12 hrs for 3-4 days.

Warning& Precaution:
  • Do not administer more than 5 days.

    If there is no improvement after this time, discontinue the administration and reconsider the diagnosis.

    It is recommended to monitor renal function during treatment.

Contra – Indication:

Do not apply to:

– Animals with hypersensitivity to aminoglycosides

– Animals with renal failure.

– Adult herbivores, to produce in them a distinctive bacterial imbalance.

Side Effects:

Allergic reactions: occasionally symptoms have been observed such as rash, eosinophilia,

fever, dermatitis, stomatitis and even anaphylactic shock’ in infants, there may be

malabsorption. Occasionally, infections of non-susceptible germs may occur’

Withdrawal time:

Meat :2days


Stored at temperature not exceed 30 C˚, protected from light.